4-February-2022 I added a few more of the smaller areas of the site today, since they wouldn't take too long. Sitemap, Credits, and the Old news sections. Now I only have 5 sections to comb over, update, and add again to this site. Once the rest of the old stuff is online, I can focus on making updates here and there of new stuff, just as I used to do. 3-February-2022 I have the Links page functional, again. Many sites were dead, and I added some others while I was there. I may get another page functional today. * I added another update, today. I managed to get all of this site's old Awards wrangled and organized again. If you're not familiar with site awards, or just want to view the awards this site received years ago, just click the button on the right for, "Awards this site has received"! Within that section is also a bit of an explanation as to what that all was years ago. I'll see what other sections of the site I can get completed next time I update. I am thinking by the end of February most, if not all, of the site should be back online. 30-January-2022 Well, I started reviving this site yesterday, on the 29th. I had plans to do so over the years, I just never got to it.During late 2020 I did gather all of my old site back-ups, from the late 90s up until 2006, when I stopped having a place to host the site. I stopped with this site mid-2006 due to a few reasons. One being that my last host seemed to once a year change something about where my site's stuff was to be stored, then i would have to update things, ask others to update their links, etc. Also, I was just not as active with my site during that time, so, when the next move was to happen, i just said, "Fuckit". Luckily, I still have old back-ups of this site. This main page layout is from 2003. The later 2006 layout was a bit more simple, and nowadays, I prefer this main-page look from 2003! Very few of these links work at the moment. It'll take some time for me to comb over each section I had and cobble it together from the various site back-ups I had of this site. Also, it is taking time to refresh myself on certain website stuff. It's been a while! |
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